Our Games Game Details
Smelly Left-Overs


Description: <p>A fun word card game that tests vocabulary and promotes spelling.<br> You play letters to make words and any letters left over in your hand are "SMELY LEFT-OVERS" but you have to watch out for the <strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;">BURP and OH POO cards!</strong><br> The player with the least smelly left-overs wins.<br> <strong style="font-family: third; color: #000; letter-spacing: .7px;">CAN YOU BE THE PLAYER WITH THE LEAST SMELLY LEFT-OVERS?</strong></p><p><img src="https://ne-games.com/assets/front/images/img/smelly1.jpg" class="img-fluid"></p>